Dr S. Munirah Alatas and Adzhar Ibrahim: Malaysia’s Education System Has Failed Us, So What’s Next?


Dr S. Munirah Alatas and Adzhar Ibrahim: Malaysia’s Education System Has Failed Us, So What’s Next?

The Trust Deficit has never been wider where Malaysia’s education system is concerned. So where do parents and children turn to, to prepare them for a future that has never been more uncertain?

Independent scholar Dr S Munirah Alatas and ex-Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) Adzhar Ibrahim offer their thoughts on some possible ways forward, even as Malaysia’s politics and policies goes ever-further backwards.

(Many thanks to the Asia School of Business for their collaboration with The Do More Podcast, in whose studio this conversation was recorded. The Asia School of Business is a partnership between MIT’s Sloan School of Management and Bank Negara Malaysia).



LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/s-munirah-alatas-ph-d-71464479/
Columns on Free Malaysia Today (FMT): https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/author/sharifah-munirah-alatas/
Columns at Aliran: https://m.aliran.com/author/s-munirah-alatas
Research on Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=n5jNho0AAAAJ&hl=en


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adzhar-ibrahim-6720bb14/
Columns on Fee Malaysia Today (FMT): https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/author/adzharibrahim/
As a Speaker: https://www.hrexchangenetwork.com/events-future-workforce-asia-summit/speakers/ibrahim-adzhar

Khoo Hsu Chuang

Khoo Hsu Chuang

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